Reading time: 15 minutes.

Imagine what we can do with the right personal partner in love. See, the Lord my God has given me the life partner. Therefore, I need to lift up tons of praises to God because of His endless and unconditional love to me, particularly the moment I recalled the three required stages for Bataknese Marriage Procession that have been conducted on last September 30, 2017.

The steps consist of Marhusip, Martumpol, and Mangido Tangiang Borhat. Marhusip is a step to make clarity about the bride price, the number of ulos, the general rundown of wedding party, and also give advice to the future bride and groom. Martumpol is an eye-witnessed promise made by bride and groom before the God and congregation. Mangido Tangiang Borhat is an occasion to ask blessing from and saying thanks to all supported family and relatives. They all took place at HKBP Semper Ressort Semper (Jalan Walet III, RT 13 / RW 5, Semper Barat, Cilincing, North Jakarta, Postal Code 14130). The martumpol was at Service Room meanwhile the Marhusip and Mangido Tangiang Borhat were at the hall. The number of visitors was approximately 200 people.

One highlighted moment occurred at September 29, 2017. It is the prep session for future bride and groom. The priest taught us why Martumpol is a required step before marriage. In summary, Martumpol is a moment to declare wedding vows before God and his congregation while the wedding blessing will be given at the wedding day. Martumpol aims to ensure that before the future bride and groom receive wedding blessing, they already fix all disputes between them (for instance either future bride or groom actually already had spouse/kids).

Shortly before the occasion, my sister prepared all needed stuff such as makeup, welcoming chalkboard, catering, the hall, and etc. I hereby would like to express my gratitude for those involved at the ulaon especially Ervina Agusdiyar (Mama Arga), as my immediate sister, she helped me 99% of this wedding. Likewise, I thank Abang Piyan, as my brother-in-law; he supported my sister to the max level. Not forget to mention, I thank Eko and Joshua, as my immediate brothers, they constantly boast my energy. I also thank Family of Pasaribu, Rajagukguk, Hutagalung, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, PricewaterhouseCoopers, The VVVIP: Fresnel Simon, Christya Natasha, Annisa Nurlailia, Gregorius, Cindy Margaretha, Bella, Putri Permata and to the rest of people, who help us make this event happen, I truly thank you.

I am glad to share about Inanguda Susy Purba. I was beautifully brushed by her talented hands. She started to beautify me at 3.30 a.m. and finished at 6.30 a.m. She must be so tired. Finally, it turned out my satisfaction by looking at my natural-makeup look. She is a Jakarta-based makeup artist. With her passion and skilled hands, she is good at satisfying her customers, of course. Do please contact her at 08980779007 or reach her instagram to scroll at her portfolio.

Moreover, these following words posted in order to remind me about God’s goodness.
I wish you a very happy wedding in November. So proud that you are entering another phase of your life. - Ersa Tri Wahyuni | Selamat berbahagia Indah & Wilmart! Happily ever after Indah & Wilmart. Lancar sampe hari-H ya dek. - Tya. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Selamat ya indah. Semoga berbahagia sepanjang masa sampe kakek nenek. - Nurintan Simamora. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Selamat Indah. Tuhan Yesus memberkati. - Yahya Hutagaol. Badan Pemeriksa KeuanganSelamat ya Indah Pasaribu. - Sabarita Tamba. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Happy wedding, Abang Gultom dan Mba Indah. Semoga Langgeng sampai Kakek Nenek. Amin - Rini Mulyani. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan
Selamat atas perjanjian Nikahnya. Semoga nanti (pemberkatan) pernikahannya juga berjalan lancar. - Bangkit. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Abang Gultom dan Indah, selamat menempuh kehidupan pernikahan, semoga bahagia selalu. - Wilma & Hari. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Semoga berbahagia. - Rekan Subag Keuangan. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan
Wilmart dan Indah, selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga bahagia dan langgeng selamanya. - Lisa Sulistiowaty. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Semoga berbahagia. - Aryo Seto & Melva Tonggo. Badan Pemeriksa KeuanganGod bless you bro. - Melisa Sekar Dhani. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Abang Gultom dan Indah, semoga berbahagia sampai kakek nenek. - Rini Yusandra. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan
Selamat ya bro and sis. - Yosua Ongko. Badan Pemeriksa KeuanganSelamat wilmart dan indah. Semoga lancar sampai hari-H. - Galih Situmorang. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Happy Wedding - Yuga P. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Congratulation my roommate. Happily ever after, yah. - Deria Dwi. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan
Selamat ya ka indah dan bang wil. Bahagia selalu. - Tifany Kusuma. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan | Selamat membangun keluarga dalam Kristus, untuk bang wilmart dan indah. Kiranya Tuhan Yesus menjadi kepala yang memimpin rumah tangga bang wil dan indah, dan kasih kesetiaan senantiasa hadir dalam kehidupan keluarga kalian. Jesus bless you. Efesus 5: 22-33. - Renita Nauli. Gereja Mawar Sharon
Selamat mempersiapkan rumah tangga, diberkati selalu, dilancarkan segala sesuatu. Yeremia 29: 11. - Jane Esther & Wira. Gereja Mawar Sharon | Selamat menempuh hidup baru, have a wonderful marriage life, full with love and blessing. - Patricia Bella. Gereja Mawar Sharon
Selamat berbahagia diberkati selalu, dan cepat punya momongan. - Wlemars Ipaubla. Gereja Mawar Sharon | Congratulation Bang Wilmart Gultom dan Indah br. Pasaribu. Menjadi keluarga yang berdampak dan menjadi orang tua yang baik, untuk masa depan anak-anak kalian. Selamat. - Adri Wibowo. Gereja Mawar Sharon
Selamat berbahagia ya. Selalu menjadi sinar dan garam bagi lingkungan, jadi orang tua yang baik untuk anakmu kelak. Selamat. Horas. - Alfred Lesmana. Gereja Mawar Sharon | Selamat berbahagia, bang wilmart dan indah. Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Selamat. Horas - Derry Amanda. Gereja Mawar Sharon
Horai. Congratulation on your engagement. - Fliyona Panjaitan. Gereja Mawar Sharon | Horas. Semoga lancar terus sampe hari-H, yak. - Fresnel Simon. Indonesia Banking School | Selamat Martumpol, Indah dan Wilmart. Gak nyangka ndah, lo meninggalkan dunia jombloitas secepat ini. So happy for you both, esp. dirimu ndah. - Christya Natasha. Indonesia Banking School
Hi Indah, Semoga berbahagia selalu ya. - Putri Permata. Indonesia Banking School | Dear indah dan wilmart. Happy wedding, cepet dikasih momongan yah. - Annisa Nurlailia. Indonesia Banking School | Dear indah, semoga ilmunya manfaat dan bahagia selamanya. Be good! - Bella Permata. Indonesia Banking School
Indah & Wilmart. Selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai pasangan hidup dalam kasih Kristus. Semoga bahagia selalu. - Djohan Pinnarwan. PricewaterhouseCoopers | Congrats Indah . Maaf ga bisa datang. - Adeline. PricewaterhouseCoopers | Indah & wilmart. Congrats, semoga berbahagia selalu, yah. - Krista Novianti. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Happy wedding, iyul. Happily ever after. - Maggie. PricewaterhouseCoopers | Happy wedding indah & wilmart. Congrats ya. Happily ever after. - Cathlin Valencia. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Happy wedding indah. God bless you. - Darwin Huang. PricewaterhouseCoopers | Congratulations Indah dan Wilmart, cepet punya baby. - Gratia Anadena. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Dear Indah dan Bang Wilmart. Congratulations. Semoga lancar sampai pemberkatan, dan mesra sampai kakek nenek. Bahagia selalu Indah. God bless always. - Dewi Lestari. SMPN 231 | Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Indah dan Wilmart. Tuhan Yesus berkati keluarga kecil kalian. - Linda Simbolon. SMPN 231
Selamat menempuh hidup yang baru ya Indah dan Wilmart. Selalu disertai Tuhan Yesus. Gak nyangka Kamu duluan yang merid. Semoga lancar sampai hari H. Maaf ga bisa ikut ke Medan. - Rya Margareth. SMPN 231 | Congrats Indah dan Wilmart. Tuhan berkati selalu ya. - Rismawati. SMPN 231

And for those who have no chance to come or who came but have no chance to sign the invitee’s book, I would like to say sincere thanks for your prayer.

Today is D-12 heading to Wedding Day. I do believe all moments help me to create a trust tally of the Lord’s faithfulness. For over 27 years, he has been the most trustworthy figure on the planet. He always nails supporting me to create a trust tally of His faithfulness. What faithfulness he showed you to affirm that we do not need to know everything that lies ahead? We know He never changes. The marriage is still on progress. This is the end of the digital report.

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