Reading time: 18 minutes.

Hi everyone. This post aims to give information about take off sessions I attended for these two weeks. The last session will be conducted on next Sunday. Overall, the take-off sessions are scheduled on August 13, 20, and  27, 2017. And this is what the materials at take-off looked like.

First thing first, the booklet was so lovely. The mixture of some pastel colours brought warm impression to the class. However, the most important is the materials delivered by the servants.

Vision of Eaglekidz is taken from 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 9, namely "But you are the chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."

Meanwhile, the missions consist of six elements, as follows:
Enjoying friends while growing together;
Age-appropriate and fun teaching;
Grounded in God's word, grow in faith character;
Loving response to God in the things they do;
Excellent spirit shown through the fruits of the Spirit; and
Share Christ with the community.

There are four levels within the organizational structure of Eaglekids. The top leader is a head of leadership (of course, it is still under GMS My Home Medan, instead of a stand alone church). Further, three leaders are under the head of leadership. Number of leaders represent the total classes Eaglekidz has (Allstars, Super Trooper, and Voltage). Besides, both service in charge and servants are directly under level leaders.

You may wonder, why kids are seemingly so important to be built. According to Barna Research Group, kids 5 yo until 13 yo are the most effective ages to accept Jesus as their Saviour. It means a kids under those ages could allow Jesus be their Almighty God 5 to 8 times easier rather than an adult.

Moreover, I need to know what Bible says about kids. There are four main bullet points noted.

1. Kids are priceless in His eyesMatthew 18: 5 "And whoever welcomes a little children like this in my name welcomes me."

2. Kids need salvationRomans 3: 23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God."

3. God commands us to teach the right figure of Christ to the kidsDeuteronomy 6: 6 - 7 "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about that when you sit at home and when you walked around the road, when you lie down and when you get up"

4. God can directly use kidsPsalm 8: 3 "From the lips of the children and infants, you have ordained praise because of your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger."

Not forget to mention, many times the servants delivered topic about the difference between Eaglekidz and Sunday School. Do please highlight that Eaglekidz is not a Sunday School. In Eaglekidz, children are the congregation instead of the object of the service. Therefore, they intentionally build the two way communication rather one one way. The main concern of the service is the spiritual maturity that being monitored and followed up attentively on regular basis. Also, the servants are not the teachers in lieu the shepherds.

One interesting point I got this Sunday is the Three Basic Guidelines shared to me, namely Expressive (Positive Energy, Initiative, and All Out), Fun, and Passionate. Before the session ended, I raised my hand and asked: "Do you think, passion is nature? or nurture?I inquired such question because honestly speaking I have no interest on kids. In fact, I am the n-th person who said that. But, they all turned out realising that they are finally into kids. 

In summary, the materials given in take off sessions added my knowledge about the service, particularly service for kids. Because this isn't perceived as an only one-by-one service, rather it is beyond a full service for one generation. I hope I could perform well, ultimately for the Glory of Christ. Again, how about you, everyone?

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