Reading time: 4 minutes.

I tend to ignore my sequence priorities when I am misled by what I perceived much more important things. I was reminded by my tonight-spiritual-food which was taken from Revelation Chapter 2 verse 1 until 6.

Three points noted:
First. Do never doubt that God notices our deeds, our hard work, and our perseverance. I often fail on this area and sometimes feel so neglected, then unconsciously I'm out of my list of priorities.

Second. While God keeps his eyes on me, he observes that I am not aware that I am leaving behind the first love regardless all my deeds, hard work, and perseverance I have shown. But I thank God that he still reminds me the height I have fallen and give me a chance to repent.

On the top of that. God put in my mind about a set of my sequence of priorities. Do please highlight: (1) God, (2) Family, (3) Services, Works, and Study, and (4) Hobbies. I still strive to put them all in sequence.

Summed up briefly, putting the priorities in sequence is more important than only routinely perform our deeds, our hard work, and our perseverance in undefined areas.

My brother more prioritizes buying books rather than clothes.

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