Reading: 2 minutes

Hi everyone!
For almost 12 years (2012-2023), I have been working on audit matters. In 2024, I have decided to (let's say) hibernate for a while from audit fieldwork and so on and so forth. I am about to take another way of living for at least these five or six years ahead. I have the clear idea that Jesus is bringing me to experience the great shifts in this year, including my career.
This decision took me months before I am well rounded to shift from what I'm passionate about (being an auditor) to another step. Some people might feel disappointed about my decision, yet I do believe this hibernation will lead me to the unexpected events of life but just as it is written [in Scripture, Holy Bible], “things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that Jesus Christ has prepared for me who love him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him, and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed].”
Next, I'm striving to thrive in intellectual maturity which is pursuing my PhD. I am working on it, for sure! So, I expect my future posts would be related to PhD matters. When will it happen? Idk. Yet, I unwaveringly trust in Jesus, the one who will make it happen.

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