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Kupang, May 15th, 2023. This post is dedicated to Tim Pemeriksa LKPD Kota Kupang Tahun Anggaran 2022. 

Hi everyone.

We've surely been so busy lately and now it's time for me to express my appreciation for all your superb contribution. I'd like to extend my thanks to everyone who has worked together in this A-team. And yes, I do really want to keep this thank you note as genuine as possible.

I will surely remember how everyone helped each other to build both our technical dan non-technical skills during the audit engagement period. Also, I witnessed everyone has thrived as a person and as a team, and yes I thought I'm the one who enjoys the development the most.

Thank you:

1. Ibu Ayu - for your (technical dan non-technical) guidance.

2. Mba Lisma - for being so strong preggo-mom during the fieldwork

3. Mas Indra - for backing me up as a senior in charge in the team

4. Mba Nilam - for being super plus humble auditor-mom 

5. Mas Ismail - for eagerly performing much better audit steps after my feedback

6. Mba Maria - for your willingness to always do extra mile efforts

7. Mba Jelita - for your humility to learn along the audit period

8. Mba Ayu - for constantly seeking help to conduct the step-by-step audit procedures

9. Mas Abid - for always supporting us in compiling files 

In a nutshell, thank you for every meaningful contribution. May God bless you.

Kota Kupang

Kupang (Indonesian: Kota Kupang, Indonesian pronunciation: [ˈkupaŋ]), formerly known as Koepang, is the capital of the Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara. At the 2020 Census, it had a population of 442,758; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 468,913. It is the largest city and port on the island of Timor, and is a part of the Timor Leste–Indonesia–Australia Growth Triangle free trade zone. Geographically, Kupang is the southernmost city in Indonesia. (

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