Reading & watching time = 3 mins | Number of words =  582

Horas, everyone. 👐
Hiya, people. 🤗
Hi, colleagues.

I'm incredibly thrilled staring at my Degree Certificate from the University of Edinburgh which I accepted on December 10th, 2020. To me, it is the official point to be awarded as an MSc graduate. 🎓

To celebrate this achievement, there was a virtual graduation ceremony held by the Business School on Dec 11th, 2020. Further, I was given an opportunity to post my thank-you note as a part of the ceremony. However, it is only a 150-word note which absolutely fails to give credit to every single person who supports me in pursuing this degree.

Therefore,  I humbly extend my gratitude to these lovely and great people who made the MSc journey possible. They are as follows.

1. 💑Wilmart Gultom, the one and only spouse of mine. I genuinely thought that he is an awesome husband. Without his consent, I would never have the chance to pursue this degree.

2. 👩‍👦Jonathan Willian Gultom, the only son of ours. He was 8 months while I started the programme. Unfortunately, he was nurtured by his oppung (read: grandparents) for about seven months (September 2019 - March 2020). Thanks to video call as the best enabler to keep connecting mom-and-son relationship.

3. 👨‍👩‍👧 Esmerita Aritonang Rajagukguk and Tutur Parulian Pasaribu, as my most (forever) wonderful parents in the world. Their absence in the world does not mean lacking in their influence in my life. Their teachings surely shape me as I am today. Mauliate Mamak & Bapak!

4. Marthalena Tampubolon, my mother-in-law, and Williater Gultom, my father-in-law. They were so fascinating. They have been super helpful, particularly helping me out to take care of Jonathan Willian Gultom. 

5. Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education), my sponsor. Beyond the monetary value of (approx.) Rp761,238,000, I took this finest window of opportunity to practically upgrade my capacity, both as a person and as a civil servant. I am completely indebted to LPDP,  as the representative of all Indonesians. I am then endeavouring to obtain a full scholarship from LPDP as well in 2026 pursuing a DPhil in Management at Saïd Business School, Oxford University. 

6. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia), my employer. The study permit enabled me to take paid study leave for about one year. Afterward, I am obliged to devote my capability as a state auditor at the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia.

7. Eko Sidtong Pasaribu and Joshua Maruli Tua Pasaribu, my lovable younger (biological) brothers. Their immense support is priceless for me. Also, for my older sister, Ervina Agusdiyar, and the team.

8. PPI Edinburgh, Keluarga Kristiani Edinburgh, Kelompok Pendalaman Alkitab Wanita Edinburgh, C3 Church Edinburgh, especially for Arvinda Lubis and Anastasia Candra Dewi, for the healthy and encouraging and caring community I was involved during living in Edinburgh.

9. Class of 2020, Accounting and Finance in particular. I am honoured to be a part of your master's journey. Special thanks to Aroma Patria Perdana, Aakansha Jain, Ghaida Khalid Alhoosani, Lewis Fry, Omar Alkous, Pitchayamon Vanichipat, Yidan Feng, Wanwarat Poomsrisaard, Arisha Lleshi, Nathan Lalonde, and Mouna Yaha. 

10. Tom Brown, my super helpful and thoughtful supervisor.

11. The lecturers: Maria Michou, Wenxuan Hou, Woon Leung, Yue (Lucy) Liu, Elisa Henderson, Stephen Walker, Ingrid Jeacle, Sebastian Hoffmann, Marian Gatzweiler, and Christine Cooper. 

12. GBI Kupang Baru, Cool Sinai, and all warmhearted people in Kupang for their unstoppable support for Wilmart Gultom and me.

13. Fresnel Simon Jahya Papia. Yes, you're the best inner circle. 

But above all, first and foremost, I fully dedicate my degree to the one and only Beautiful Saviour of mine, Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, for He has been so good to me.

I want to thank (even) the strangers whom I met during my back-and-forth trip from Indonesia - Edinburgh - Indonesia - Edinburgh 😂.

I am so grateful, indeed. 👩‍🎓

May God also bless you abundantly! Talk to you later. 🙋‍♀️

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